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Conveniently located in the heart of the city, this venue offers easy access to all of San Diego's popular dining and entertainment options like sunning on magnificent sandy beaches, building some memories at Legoland, or enjoying a short trolley ride to Mexico. The city centre is a 15-minute drive away, the same distance as the Mission beach and both the Sand Diego Zoo and Seaworld. The venue and its professional staff provide excellent quality of services and facilities, and as attestation come the over 20 customer service awards, including Hampton Inn's 'Inn of the Decade' and San Diego's 'Finest Service Award, which adorn its walls. Guests can start their mornings with the hearty breakfast buffet and then head out for their exciting day or spend it relaxing in the hotel. They can work on their tan and refresh at the outdoor swimming pool or workout in the well-equipped gym.

Nilai Rata - Rata Hotel


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